
Northern white rhinoceros habitat
Northern white rhinoceros habitat

northern white rhinoceros habitat

They are approached and sniffed by most passing rhinos, but only the dominant male defecates and scatters his latest addition on to the pile with his hind feet. These middens may be a couple of square yards in extent. Territory is marked both around the edges and throughout the middle with large, conspicuous dung piles, or middens. The territories of mature males vary from just over a square mile in forested areas to 35 square miles in open grasslands. Male rhinos are habitually solitary creatures, with their main purpose being to defend territories.

northern white rhinoceros habitat

Sometimes gaping wounds are inflicted by the upward sweep on an opponent’s horn. Upon encountering each other, serious fighting can result if one rhino does not give way. They then turn around suddenly and trot back to the center of their perspective territories. In addition, this group appears to be more phlegmatic than their black cousins two males may spend an hour staring at each other from a short distance, sometimes nose to nose, as if greeting, occasionally wiping their horns on the ground. White rhino females also often engage in friendly nose-to-nose greetings when they meet. White rhinos, however, have been known to form small family groups, which can include several females and their young. Rhinos are not very sociable creatures, especially the black species. They also frequently rub their bellies, flanks or faces on rocks and stumps “polished” rubbing sites are seen throughout rhino country. Both species are fond of rolling on their sides in mud or dust wallows they cannot roll on their backs because of the elongated, blade-like protrusions on their spines. The black rhino is more strictly diurnal, however, may become partially or totally nocturnal in regions of persecution. The white rhino is a partly nocturnal creature. It is of deeply regrettable note, however, that the last male northern white rhinoceros died in March 2018 at the Ol Pejeta Conservancy in Kenya. Between these two subspecies, marked differences occur-noted by the concavity of their foreheads. The southern species of the white rhinoceros occurs south of the Zambezi River. The northern range extends west from Southern Sudan, through the Republic of Congo, towards Lake Chad.

northern white rhinoceros habitat

Within the white rhino’s African habitat, two distinct populations traditionally existed. Apart from this, rhinos are virtually hairless.īlack rhinos range from moist forest to semi-arid bushland, whereas the white rhino prefers the drier environment of both grassland and wooded grassland.

  • The horns are not bone, but tightly packed bundles of hair-like structures, similar to hooves and toenails, mounted on roughened areas of the skull.
  • They are distinct from their cousin, the Indian rhino, which has only a single horn.
  • African rhinos possess two horns, the shorter one set behind the longer.
  • They possess three large toes, which make a clearly recognizable footprint.
  • Rhinos are odd-toed ungulates, like their close relative, the horse.
  • The white rhino’s relatively longer head enables it to reach the ground to graze.
  • Black rhinos have longer necks than white rhinos, which help them to reach up into vegetation for browsing.
  • The white rhino’s name is a corruption of the Afrikaans word for “wide,” referring to its broad upper lip, which is designed for grazing.
  • Both the black rhino and the white rhino are, in fact, gray.
  • No more than 2,000 currently exist, and the population is dwindling quickly. The black, or hook-lipped, rhinoceros is less common and is on the critically endangered list some scientists agree that it may not survive beyond the next two decades on parts of the continent. Fortunately, because efforts in the last two decades to save the white rhino have been so successful in countries like South Africa, there are surplus white rhino being sold at wildlife auctions to help restock wildlife reserves. The unabated and apparently uncontrollable poaching problem is a greater burden than the rhino’s naturally low population density and slow reproductive rate can support.Ĭurrently, the white rhino is less endangered than its cousin. Most of the recent poaching in East Africa, however, has been driven by a demand for dagger handles, a male status symbol in countries such as Yemen. Rhino horns’ alleged pharmaceutical qualities as a nerve tonic and general restorative have supported relatively modest markets in the Far East. Demand for their keratin horns is leading the beast to the brink of extinction. Tragically, both the black and white rhinoceros that live outside of limited protected areas and reserves face imminent extinction in the wild. Their ancestors form part of a larger group that was previously distributed across the Americas, Eurasia and Africa however, only five species remain today.

    #Northern white rhinoceros habitat skin

    The rhinoceros has an ancient history, with skin that looks like plated armor from a bygone age.

    Northern white rhinoceros habitat